Terms of Service
1. Terms of Use
Within these Terms, “you” refers to any individual accessing the website, while MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd is referred to as “we,” “us,” or “our.” The website, https://linkinbound.com, is owned and operated by MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd, operating under the brand name Link Inbound.
By using the Website, you agree to these Terms as outlined and as they may be updated periodically by MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd. If you do not accept these Terms, you must cease using the Website immediately.
2. Modifications to These Terms
MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd reserves the right to update these Terms at any time by amending this page. It is your responsibility to review these Terms regularly to stay informed of any changes. Your continued use of the Website constitutes acceptance of these updates.
3. Privacy and Data Protection
Your privacy is of paramount importance to us. MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd complies with the following laws:
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): For users in the European Union, we collect and process personal data lawfully, transparently, and only for specific purposes. Users have the right to access, rectify, delete, or restrict their data and can file complaints with their local Data Protection Authority.
- California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): For California residents, we comply with your rights to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal data.
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): The Website is not intended for individuals under the age of 14. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children.
For further details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
4. Cookie Policy
We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your browsing experience and analyze website traffic. By continuing to use the Website, you consent to the use of cookies as described below:
- Types of Cookies We Use:
- Essential Cookies: Necessary for the operation of the Website.
- Performance Cookies: Help us understand how visitors use the Website by collecting anonymous usage data.
- Targeting Cookies: Deliver relevant advertisements based on your preferences.
Upon your first visit, you are notified of cookie usage and given the option to manage your preferences. Most browsers also allow you to block or delete cookies. Refer to your browser settings for more information.
5. Intellectual Property Rights
All content on the Website, including text, images, graphics, trademarks, and logos, is the property of MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd or its licensors. This content is protected under global copyright laws.
You are permitted to:
- Print or download content for personal, non-commercial use.
- Reference the Website, provided appropriate credit is given to MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd.
You may not:
- Reproduce, distribute, or modify any part of the Website without prior written consent.
- Use our trademarks or logos without permission.
6. Published Information on the Website
While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information on the Website, we cannot guarantee it is free from errors. Materials on the Website are provided on an “as-is” basis without any warranty.
7. Prohibited Activities
You must not:
- Use the Website in a manner that violates applicable laws or regulations.
- Introduce malicious software, such as viruses, worms, or trojans, to the Website.
- Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website, its servers, or connected systems.
Any violation of these Terms may result in legal action and immediate termination of your access to the Website.
8. Liability
The Website is provided without any warranties, either express or implied. MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd disclaims liability for:
- Losses or damages arising from reliance on Website content.
- Service interruptions, viruses, or other harmful elements affecting your devices.
- Content on third-party websites linked from the Website.
Our liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law and does not exclude liability for death, personal injury, or fraud caused by our negligence.
9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms are governed by Croatian and EU law. Any disputes arising from the use of the Website will be resolved under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Varaždin, Croatia.
10. Payment Processing
We partner with trusted third-party payment processors, including Stripe, Wise, and PayPal, to ensure secure financial transactions. MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd does not store your credit card information. Refer to the terms of the payment processor you select for additional details.
11. User Responsibilities
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information, including passwords. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account.
You must ensure that your use of the Website complies with all applicable laws, including intellectual property and privacy laws.
12. Third-party Websites
The Website may include links to third-party websites. These links are provided for convenience and do not constitute an endorsement. MEMENTO DIGITAL Ltd is not responsible for the content or practices of third-party websites and assumes no liability for any damages resulting from their use.
13. Severability
If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.
14. Changes to Our Privacy Statement
We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Statement at our discretion. Any updates will be effective immediately upon publication.
Last Updated and Effective Date: 03/02/2024
Uvjeti korištenja
Uvjeti korištenja web stranice
U ovim Uvjetima, “vi” se odnosi na svaku osobu koja pristupa web stranici, dok se MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. navodi kao “mi” ili “nas.” Web stranica, https://linkinbound.com, u vlasništvu je i pod upravljanjem poduzeća MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o., koje posluje pod brendom Link Inbound.
Korištenjem ove web stranice, pristajete na Uvjete korištenja navedene u ovom dokumentu, kao i na sve buduće izmjene. Ako se ne slažete s Uvjetima korištenja, molimo vas da odmah prestanete koristiti ovu web stranicu.
Izmjene uvjeta korištenja
MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. zadržava pravo izmjene ovih Uvjeta u bilo kojem trenutku. Sve promjene bit će objavljene na ovoj stranici, a korisnici su dužni redovito pregledavati sadržaj kako bi bili informirani o eventualnim izmjenama. Nastavak korištenja web stranice nakon izmjena smatra se prihvaćanjem istih.
Zaštita privatnosti i osobnih podataka
MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. pridržava se svih primjenjivih zakona o zaštiti podataka, uključujući:
- Opću uredbu o zaštiti podataka (GDPR): Prikupljamo i obrađujemo vaše osobne podatke na zakonit, transparentan i ograničen način, samo za određene svrhe. Imate pravo pristupiti, ispraviti, izbrisati ili ograničiti obradu svojih podataka.
- Zakon o zaštiti privatnosti djece na internetu (COPPA): Web stranica nije namijenjena osobama mlađim od 14 godina. Ne prikupljamo svjesno osobne podatke djece.
Za više informacija, molimo vas da pročitate našu Politiku privatnosti ili nas kontaktirate putem e-maila na support@linkinbound.com.
Naša web stranica koristi kolačiće kako bi poboljšala korisničko iskustvo i analizirala promet. Kolačići su male datoteke koje se pohranjuju na vašem uređaju prilikom posjeta web stranici.
Koristimo sljedeće vrste kolačića:
- Nužni kolačići: Omogućuju osnovne funkcije web stranice, poput održavanja sesija.
- Kolačići izvedbe: Pomažu nam razumjeti kako korisnici koriste web stranicu putem anonimnih podataka.
- Marketinški kolačići: Prilagođavaju oglase vašim preferencijama.
Prilikom prvog posjeta, zatražit ćemo vaš pristanak za upotrebu kolačića osim onih koji su nužni. Postavke kolačića možete promijeniti u bilo kojem trenutku putem postavki vašeg preglednika.
Objavljene informacije na web stranici
Iako nastojimo osigurati točnost informacija na web stranici, ne možemo jamčiti da su bez pogrešaka. Materijali na ovoj web stranici pružaju se “takvi kakvi jesu” bez jamstva. Preporučujemo da provjerite sve informacije prije nego što se na njih oslonite.
Zabranjene aktivnosti
Zabranjeno je:
- Korištenje web stranice na način koji krši primjenjive zakone ili propise.
- Uvođenje virusa, trojanaca, crva ili drugih štetnih programa na web stranicu.
- Pokušaji neovlaštenog pristupa serverima ili sustavima povezanima s web stranicom.
Svako kršenje ovih uvjeta može rezultirati pravnim postupcima i trenutnim ukidanjem pristupa web stranici.
Intelektualno vlasništvo
Sav sadržaj na ovoj web stranici, uključujući tekst, slike, grafike, logotipe i zaštitne znakove, vlasništvo je MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. ili njegovih licenciranih partnera. Sadržaj je zaštićen zakonima o autorskim pravima.
Dopušteno je:
- Ispisati ili preuzeti sadržaj za osobnu, nekomercijalnu uporabu.
- Citirati web stranicu uz odgovarajuće navođenje izvora.
Zabranjeno je:
- Reproducirati, distribuirati ili mijenjati sadržaj bez prethodne pisane suglasnosti.
- Korištenje naših zaštitnih znakova ili logotipa bez odobrenja.
Web stranica se pruža bez ikakvih jamstava. MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. ne preuzima odgovornost za gubitke ili štete uzrokovane korištenjem web stranice, uključujući tehnološke probleme poput virusa ili prekida usluge.
Nismo odgovorni za sadržaj trećih strana povezanih s web stranicom. Korištenje povezanih web stranica na vlastitu je odgovornost korisnika.
Nadležnost i primjenjivi zakon
Ovi Uvjeti uređuju se zakonima Republike Hrvatske i EU-a. Nadležni sud za rješavanje sporova je sud u Varaždinu, Hrvatska.
Plaćanja i sigurnost
Za sigurno procesuiranje plaćanja koristimo pouzdane partnere kao što su Stripe, Wise i PayPal. MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. ne pohranjuje podatke o vašoj kreditnoj kartici. Za detalje o sigurnosnim mjerama, pogledajte uvjete i politike pružatelja usluga plaćanja.
Izmjene Uvjeta korištenja
Zadržavamo pravo izmjene ovih Uvjeta u bilo kojem trenutku. Ažurirani Uvjeti primjenjuju se odmah nakon objave na ovoj stranici. Nastavak korištenja web stranice smatra se prihvaćanjem ažuriranih Uvjeta.
Datum posljednje izmjene i stupanja na snagu: 03/02/2024